Does it hurt?
Classic brain dysregulation states are over aroused and under aroused. Typically, over aroused looks like anxiety and under aroused looks like depression. The reason anxiety and depression often run together is we have many different brain waves. Sometimes, a brain is over aroused on some frequencies and under aroused on others. The custom maps clearly shows where the brain is over and under aroused. Then the custom training can teach the brain to slow down where it’s over aroused and speed up where it’s under aroused.
Can it Shock me?
No. The sensors are fundamentally incapable of sending electricity into you. Even if we wanted it to shock you, it could not.
What does Qeeg stand for?
It stands for Quantitative Electroencephalogram. It monitors the electrical activity in the brain much like an EKG (Echo Cardiogram) monitors the activity in the heart. From the brain wave data that is recorded we get a very clear picture of how and where that particular brain is dysregulated.
What does QEEG Neurofeedback training do?
It teaches the brain how to self-regulate. It’s possible to help a brain regulate with medications but there are usually side effects, costs, and few people want to be on medications. By teaching the brain how to self-regulate many clients are able to, with their medical doctor’s assistance, reduce or eliminate their medications.
How does QEEG Neurofeedback training do that?
After the initial scan, custom training protocols are developed for your brain. The training happens as your brain waves are monitored while you watch a video game. The only controller for the video game is your own brain waves. Over some sessions, your brain learns to get better at the game and by doing so it learns to self-regulate.
How does QEEG Neurofeedback training do that?
After the initial scan, custom training protocols are developed for your brain. The training happens as your brain waves are monitored while you watch a video game. The only controller for the video game is your own brain waves. Over some sessions, your brain learns to get better at the game and by doing so it learns to self-regulate.
What can QEEG Neurofeedback help with?
Classic brain dysregulation states are over aroused and under aroused. Typically, over aroused looks like anxiety and under aroused looks like depression. The reason anxiety and depression often run together is we have many different brain waves. Sometimes, a brain is over aroused on some frequencies and under aroused on others. The custom maps clearly shows where the brain is over and under aroused. Then the custom training can teach the brain to slow down where it’s over aroused and speed up where it’s under aroused.

A qEEG comprises a very valuable component of a comprehensive mental health strategy for whole health. Maps are critical when it comes to getting to a desired destination. As a metaphor, the same holds true with brain maps for psychological health. qEEG brain mapping allows providers to identify patterns of dysfunction that may be consistent with varying disorders of the brain, such as learning disorders and behavioral issues, emotional disorders, brain injury, and many others. The map we generate in your initial appointment helps understand the cortical electrical activity in your brain. Because it’s your specific map it can detect if activity in the brain is too high or too low. With the revelation of which direction to turn on your map we see how your brain areas need to communicate with each other to reach normal.
Performance Upgrade
We can use the information from qEEG as a guide and allow a passive but atomatic reaction to video game images tied to your brain activity in real time to help change your brain and improve your memory, boost focus and attention, reduce depression, minimize anxiety, and enhance overall performance. Even if you are not suffering from clinical level problems, qEEG can be an affordable way to reach peak performance for academic or career success. If you wish to be proactive about your cognative ability for career success, a few qEEG sessions can troubleshoot problems in the most complex organ: the brain.
Typically trainees find NFT to be an interesting experience. Neurofeedback operates at a brain functional level and transcends the need to classify using existing diagnostic categories. It modulates the brain activity at the level of the neuronal dynamics of excitation and inhibition which underly the characteristic effects that are reported.
Research demonstrates that neurofeedback is an effective intervention for ADHD and Epilepsy. Ongoing research is investigating the effectiveness of neurofeedback for other disorders such as Autism, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, substance abuse, TBI and other pain disorders, and is promising.
Being a self-regulation method, NFT differs from other accepted research-consistent neuro-modulatory approaches such as audio-visual entrainment (AVE) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) that provoke an automatic brain response by presenting a specific signal. Nor is NFT based on deliberate changes in breathing patterns such as respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) that can result in changes in brain waves. At a neuronal level, NFT teaches the brain to modulate excitatory and inhibitory patterns of specific neuronal assemblies and pathways based upon the details of the sensor placement and the feedback algorithms used thereby increasing flexibility and self-regulation of relaxation and activation patterns.

Recent research has shown that when given the proper support, the brain has the ability to change and adapt, a property known as neuroplasticity. Neurofeedback can encourage and speed up this process of neuroplasticity.
Words alone are often not enough. Simply telling someone to calm down or focus doesn’t solve the underlying issues of conditions like anxiety or ADHD. On the other hand, neurofeedback allows us to speak to the brain with its own language: brain waves.
What is a brain wave?
Our brain cells communicate through electrical impulses known as brain waves. Each brain wave has two properties:
Frequency, which is how fast the wave travels.
Amplitude, which is how tall the wave gets when it goes up and down.
In general, faster brain waves are associated with focus, thinking, and awareness, while slower brain waves are associated with relaxation, meditation, and deep sleep.
